Most of us in the business world understand that in order to get stay on top of our daily tasks it is essential to maintain our physical well being with diet and exercise. Indeed, it is a well documented fact that CEOs, business owners and successful entrepreneurs are some of the most health conscious folks around. It makes sense too – when you have dozens or even hundreds of employees, clients, and other very important people counting on you to get the job done every day, the thought of taking a week of sick leave is practically impossible.It’s not just a matter of staying healthy enough to make it into work everyday either. People with important jobs, like you, need to stay fully energized, with maximum mental clarity and the alertness needed to make split second decisions at the drop of the hat.

How do busy professionals stay on top of their well-being – especially when they have so many other things to juggle? Obviously we need to get our 7-9 hours of deep, restful sleep per night (which almost nobody gets!) Then we also need to make sure to get daily exercise to help detoxify, and manage stress and hormone levels. Since those things (rest and exercise) are pretty straightforward, the rest of this article will focus on diet. Nutrition is crucially important, not just for short term health and well being, but for long term health as well. To help you stay on track with your nutrition here are 3 tips used by industry leaders in the know:

Tip 1 – Take a “Greens” supplement to flood your system with Antioxidants

Most people eat far less than the daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables and in doing so miss out on the powerful antioxidants that these foods contain. There are even some so-called “adults” who avoid green vegetables like a fussy 2-year old, even when doing so negatively impacts no only their health but their ability to accomplish goals, career or otherwise. Luckily, even those of us working 60 or 70 hours or more can get all of the vitamins and life-supporting antioxidants we need by taking a quality greens supplement like Patriot Power Greens. Of course its still a good idea to eat a green vegetable or two with dinner, but this way even if you mess up and eat tacos, you still will have gotten your veggies for the day.

Tip 2 – Cut down on sugars and grains in general

These days everybody knows that sugar is bad for you. In fact, some doctors are even saying that excessive sugar consumption can be worse for you than smoking! I’m not sure if I believe that myself, but the point is that eating sugar has no health benefits whatsoever. Instead it causes weigh gain, inflammation, and numerous other negative outcomes. Grains however are still embraced by many as a “healthy” food option. There is much debate on this topic. The Paleo crowd will tell you that grains have no place at all in a healthy diet, while many doctors still assert that whole grains like brown rice, millet and so forth are a good carbohydrate option. So, what is the answer here? My recommendation is to simply limit your intake of both sugary foods and grains by keeping them out of you breakfasts and lunches. If you stick with eggs and veggies for breakfast, and a salad with chicken for lunch, then you’ll be fine having some rice as a side dish with dinner. Even a slice of pie before bed is okay so long as you didn’t have too many grains early in the day. The key thing is not to be too restrictive with these things, or else you’ll never be able to stick with your diet. Instead just cut back, and enjoy these foods less often.

Tip 3 – Make sure that the fats you eat are “healthy fats”

In case you didn’t hear, the whole myth about “low fat” diets being good for you has been debunked. the truth is that we desperately need a good amount of healthy fats in our diet in order for our bodies and our brains to function properly. Healthy fats include saturated fats from grass-fed butter and coconut oil and unsaturated fats such as those found in olive and avocado oils. The thing to remember is that you never want to overheat oil when you are cooking as this can change it’s chemical make-up and take it from being super healthy to actually being bad for. This is the case with olive oil, which should only be heated slightly and is much better for you when consumed cold or at room temperature. If you are cooking stick with fats that can tolerate heat suck as lard from organically raised animals, refined coconut oil, and the aforementioned avacado oil, which in case you haven’t tried it is truly delicious.